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A Multicultural City
This is a text about the city of Toronto in Canada. In the text there are gaps where some- thing has been left out. Look at the five alternatives for each of them and decide which word fits best. You must choose an alternative for each gap. Circle your choice.
This is a text about the city of Toronto in Canada, a X where people from all over the world have come to settle.

One of the best connections to the countries and cultures of the world is probably the Toronto sub- way system.
With some 80 ethnic groups now calling this Canadian metropolis home, it’s 1 you’ll never hear a word of English during your travels: little wonder the United Nations 2 labeled Toronto the “world’s most ethnically-diverse city.”
About 30 years ago Toronto recorded a mere 750,000 3 in the national census, with only 3 per cent “visible minorities”. Today the city is a veritable boom-town boasting well over 3 million people of 4 race, religion and culture.
Perhaps the city was destined from the beginning to 5 the meeting site for most of the world’s cultures.
The original name for this marshy site given by the 6 Huron Indians was “Turuntu” which roughly translates “gathering or meeting place”. This was where the Indians met the white explorers to their 7 goods.
During the past centuries waves of immigrants from all over the world have settled in and around Toronto, and the city today shows many 8 of multiculturalism.
To make it 9 for its local residents as well as for tourists, the street signs are in two different languages: English plus the language of the 10 , whether Greek, Chinese, Portugese, Italian or East Indian.
Perhaps the best display for this ethnic diversity are the annual events 11 throughout the city: Caravan and Caribana, two summer festivals. The former is a 10-day international party of pavilions promoting every different nationality within Metro Toronto while the latter is a colorful cacophony that brings a 12 for the Carribean to Toronto’s summer streets.