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Young and Free

This story was written some years ago by a girl called Lynn MacGee. Read the two parts of the story and answer the questions after each part. Your answers must be in English
My name is Lynn and I come from a small village in the north-east of Scotland. I
am a twenty-year-old student presently spending a compulsory year of study in
Sweden. In the summer I shall return to Great Britain, where I shall then resume
my studies at University College London. Within the next two years I hope to
graduate and gain my degree in Scandinavian Studies.
I’ve been living in Sweden for the past six months. As well as studying I work in a restaurant to earn a little extra money. So far my time here has been great fun. I’ve met lots of new people and my ability to communicate in the Swedish language has improved rapidly.
I’m often asked: “Why did you come to Sweden?” and “Why did you learn Swedish?” I suppose people ask suchlike questions because it is not a very large country and the language is not widely spoken in the world, so Swedish people feel it is strange that foreigners take an interest in their country. Consequently, I can answer these queries rather quickly. Four years ago, before I entered my final year of Secondary School I decided to become an exchange student and take a ‘year out’. My reasons for this varied, but basically I was a bit bored and felt I needed a break. So I decided that a year abroad, living with a host family, experiencing a new language and culture would be an invaluable experience.